References are linked throughout the text
Using Latent Basis Growth Modelling (LBGM; Duncan & Duncan, 2009) we determined average trajectories of brain development based on fractional anisotropy (FA) data.
This script reproduces the latent basis growth model, which has been preregistered. We fitted four latent basis growth models across age 9 to 13 (split into five timepoints, e.g., one per year of age) to estimate trajectories of brain connectivity across four different brain regions. These regions included:
All brain tracts
Corpus callosum
Anterior thalamic radiations
Packages used in this code include: tidyverse, ggplot2, readxl, lavaan, semPlot, tidyr, dplyr, semTools, regsem, quest, egg, ggpubr, extrafont
A Latent Basis Growth Curve Model is a flexible growth model that allows for complex nonlinear patterns of change. An outcome measure is measured on several occasions, as we study changes over time. Random effects are used to capture individual differences. The random effects are represented by (continuous) latent variables, often called growth factors.
Before interpreting the data, make sure to first verify that the model fits the data. Reference here.
CFI and TLA should be .90 good model fit, now .95 is considered good
RMSEA: less than .05 = excellent, less than .08 = moderate/good, over .10 = poor fit
SRMR: less than .08 is good
Chi-square test of overall model fit:
Comparative Fit Index (CFI):
Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA):
Intercept: initial status/baseline score
Slope: change
Intercepts i:
Mean for the latent intercept, i, is 56.432, indicating that on average the DTI strength is around 56 at all time periods.
The intercept is significant, therefore indicating individual differences in baseline levels at age 9.
Intercepts s (represents the average rate of change for all the respondents):
Mean for the latent slope, s, is 7.183, indicating that on average DTI increased around 7 units between each time point.
There was no significant slope intercept, indicating that there are no significant growth trajectories.
Residual variances (unexplained variance):
m1 <- '
i =~ 1*t1_p1 + 1*t2_p1 +1*t3_p1 + 1*t4_p1 +1*t5_p1
s =~ 0*t1_p1 + t2_p1 + t3_p1 + t4_p1 + 1*t5_p1
fit_m1 <- growth(m1, data=POMPSGMMDTI, missing="fiml",estimator="mlr",bounds=TRUE,em.h1.iter.max= 10000)
## chisq cfi rmsea srmr
## 17.937 0.999 0.012 0.026
summary(fit_m1, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6.16 ended normally after 183 iterations
## Estimator ML
## Optimization method NLMINB
## Number of model parameters 13
## Number of observations 10808
## Number of missing patterns 13
## Model Test User Model:
## Standard Scaled
## Test Statistic 17.937 11.401
## Degrees of freedom 7 7
## P-value (Chi-square) 0.012 0.122
## Scaling correction factor 1.573
## Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Parameter Estimates:
## Standard errors Sandwich
## Information bread Observed
## Observed information based on Hessian
## Latent Variables:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## i =~
## t1_p1 1.000 12.353 0.941
## t2_p1 1.000 12.353 0.958
## t3_p1 1.000 12.353 0.958
## t4_p1 1.000 12.353 0.964
## t5_p1 1.000 12.353 0.983
## s =~
## t1_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## t2_p1 0.283 0.027 10.553 0.000 1.220 0.095
## t3_p1 0.523 0.024 21.682 0.000 2.251 0.175
## t4_p1 0.777 0.039 19.910 0.000 3.347 0.261
## t5_p1 1.000 4.306 0.343
## Covariances:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## i ~~
## s -13.255 9.550 -1.388 0.165 -0.249 -0.249
## Intercepts:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## .t1_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .t2_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .t3_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .t4_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .t5_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## i 56.432 0.161 351.298 0.000 4.568 4.568
## s 7.183 0.308 23.326 0.000 1.668 1.668
## Variances:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## .t1_p1 19.670 5.279 3.726 0.000 19.670 0.114
## .t2_p1 19.695 2.918 6.749 0.000 19.695 0.118
## .t3_p1 22.366 2.515 8.892 0.000 22.366 0.135
## .t4_p1 21.133 4.384 4.821 0.000 21.133 0.129
## .t5_p1 13.405 7.480 1.792 0.073 13.405 0.085
## i 152.603 6.163 24.760 0.000 1.000 1.000
## s 18.542 19.923 0.931 0.352 1.000 1.000
## R-Square:
## Estimate
## t1_p1 0.886
## t2_p1 0.882
## t3_p1 0.865
## t4_p1 0.871
## t5_p1 0.915
Chi-square test of overall model fit:
Comparative Fit Index (CFI):
Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA):
Intercept (171.277, p=0.000)
Slope (30.953, p = 0.162)
Intercepts i:
Intercepts s:
Residual variances (unexplained variance):
CCm1 <- '
i =~ 1*CCt1_p1 + 1*CCt2_p1 + 1*CCt3_p1 + 1*CCt4_p1 + 1*CCt5_p1
s =~ 0*CCt1_p1 + CCt2_p1 + CCt3_p1 + CCt4_p1 + 1*CCt5_p1
fit_CCm1 <- growth(CCm1, data=CCPOMPSGMMDTI, missing="fiml",estimator='mlr',bounds=TRUE,em.h1.iter.max= 10000)
## chisq cfi rmsea srmr
## 10.493 1.000 0.007 0.022
summary(fit_CCm1, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6.16 ended normally after 237 iterations
## Estimator ML
## Optimization method NLMINB
## Number of model parameters 13
## Number of observations 10808
## Number of missing patterns 13
## Model Test User Model:
## Standard Scaled
## Test Statistic 10.493 5.966
## Degrees of freedom 7 7
## P-value (Chi-square) 0.162 0.544
## Scaling correction factor 1.759
## Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Parameter Estimates:
## Standard errors Sandwich
## Information bread Observed
## Observed information based on Hessian
## Latent Variables:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## i =~
## CCt1_p1 1.000 13.087 0.956
## CCt2_p1 1.000 13.087 0.974
## CCt3_p1 1.000 13.087 0.966
## CCt4_p1 1.000 13.087 0.982
## CCt5_p1 1.000 13.087 1.003
## s =~
## CCt1_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## CCt2_p1 0.261 0.047 5.542 0.000 1.450 0.108
## CCt3_p1 0.516 0.039 13.123 0.000 2.869 0.212
## CCt4_p1 0.739 0.070 10.528 0.000 4.114 0.309
## CCt5_p1 1.000 5.564 0.426
## Covariances:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## i ~~
## s -20.747 9.843 -2.108 0.035 -0.285 -0.285
## Intercepts:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## .CCt1_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .CCt2_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .CCt3_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .CCt4_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .CCt5_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## i 62.134 0.168 369.100 0.000 4.748 4.748
## s 4.657 0.332 14.014 0.000 0.837 0.837
## Variances:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## .CCt1_p1 16.138 4.970 3.247 0.001 16.138 0.086
## .CCt2_p1 17.889 2.796 6.398 0.000 17.889 0.099
## .CCt3_p1 25.415 2.872 8.850 0.000 25.415 0.138
## .CCt4_p1 20.186 4.545 4.441 0.000 20.186 0.114
## .CCt5_p1 9.463 9.148 1.034 0.301 9.463 0.056
## i 171.277 6.133 27.929 0.000 1.000 1.000
## s 30.953 22.137 1.398 0.162 1.000 1.000
## R-Square:
## Estimate
## CCt1_p1 0.914
## CCt2_p1 0.901
## CCt3_p1 0.862
## CCt4_p1 0.886
## CCt5_p1 0.944
It was not possible to fit a latent basis growth model and, therefore, a latent growth model has been fitted.
Chi-square test of overall model fit:
Comparative Fit Index (CFI):
Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA):
Intercept (118.869, p=0.000)
Slope (0.486, p =0.756)
Intercepts i:
Intercepts s:
Residual variances (unexplained variance):
Fom1 <- '
i =~ 1*Fot1_p1 + 1*Fot2_p1 + 1*Fot3_p1 + 1*Fot4_p1 + 1*Fot5_p1
s =~ 0*Fot1_p1 + 1*Fot2_p1 + 2*Fot3_p1 + 3*Fot4_p1 + 4*Fot5_p1
fit_Fom1 <- growth(Fom1, data=FoPOMPSGMMDTI, missing="fiml",estimator='mlr',bounds="", em.h1.iter.max= 10000)
## chisq cfi rmsea srmr
## 13.690 0.999 0.006 0.040
summary(fit_Fom1, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6.16 ended normally after 131 iterations
## Estimator ML
## Optimization method NLMINB
## Number of model parameters 10
## Number of observations 10808
## Number of missing patterns 13
## Model Test User Model:
## Standard Scaled
## Test Statistic 13.690 12.125
## Degrees of freedom 10 10
## P-value (Chi-square) 0.188 0.277
## Scaling correction factor 1.129
## Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Parameter Estimates:
## Standard errors Sandwich
## Information bread Observed
## Observed information based on Hessian
## Latent Variables:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## i =~
## Fot1_p1 1.000 10.903 0.896
## Fot2_p1 1.000 10.903 0.924
## Fot3_p1 1.000 10.903 0.940
## Fot4_p1 1.000 10.903 0.951
## Fot5_p1 1.000 10.903 0.962
## s =~
## Fot1_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## Fot2_p1 1.000 0.697 0.059
## Fot3_p1 2.000 1.394 0.120
## Fot4_p1 3.000 2.091 0.182
## Fot5_p1 4.000 2.788 0.246
## Covariances:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## i ~~
## s -3.832 3.120 -1.228 0.219 -0.504 -0.504
## Intercepts:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## .Fot1_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .Fot2_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .Fot3_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .Fot4_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .Fot5_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## i 49.551 0.128 387.687 0.000 4.545 4.545
## s 0.102 0.045 2.245 0.025 0.146 0.146
## Variances:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## .Fot1_p1 29.111 6.905 4.216 0.000 29.111 0.197
## .Fot2_p1 27.549 3.717 7.412 0.000 27.549 0.198
## .Fot3_p1 28.933 2.355 12.286 0.000 28.933 0.215
## .Fot4_p1 31.189 4.574 6.819 0.000 31.189 0.237
## .Fot5_p1 32.404 9.319 3.477 0.001 32.404 0.252
## i 118.869 7.505 15.839 0.000 1.000 1.000
## s 0.486 1.567 0.310 0.756 1.000 1.000
## R-Square:
## Estimate
## Fot1_p1 0.803
## Fot2_p1 0.802
## Fot3_p1 0.785
## Fot4_p1 0.763
## Fot5_p1 0.748
Chi-square test of overall model fit:
Comparative Fit Index (CFI):
Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA):
Intercept (95.826, p=0.000)
Slope (18.098, p =0.756)
Intercepts i:
Intercepts s:
Residual variances (unexplained variance):
Atrm1 <- '
i =~ 1*Atr1_p1 + 1*Atr2_p1 + 1*Atr3_p1 + 1*Atr4_p1 +1*Atr5_p1
s =~ 0*Atr1_p1 + Atr2_p1 + Atr3_p1 + Atr4_p1 + 1*Atr5_p1
fit_Atrm1 <- growth(Atrm1, data=AtrPOMPSGMMDTI, missing="fiml",estimator='mlr',em.h1.iter.max= 10000)
## chisq cfi rmsea srmr
## 7.938 1.000 0.004 0.039
summary(fit_Atrm1, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6.16 ended normally after 237 iterations
## Estimator ML
## Optimization method NLMINB
## Number of model parameters 13
## Number of observations 10808
## Number of missing patterns 13
## Model Test User Model:
## Standard Scaled
## Test Statistic 7.938 5.562
## Degrees of freedom 7 7
## P-value (Chi-square) 0.338 0.592
## Scaling correction factor 1.427
## Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Parameter Estimates:
## Standard errors Sandwich
## Information bread Observed
## Observed information based on Hessian
## Latent Variables:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## i =~
## Atr1_p1 1.000 9.789 0.895
## Atr2_p1 1.000 9.789 0.940
## Atr3_p1 1.000 9.789 0.968
## Atr4_p1 1.000 9.789 1.017
## Atr5_p1 1.000 9.789 1.083
## s =~
## Atr1_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## Atr2_p1 0.368 0.068 5.431 0.000 1.564 0.150
## Atr3_p1 0.464 0.073 6.397 0.000 1.975 0.195
## Atr4_p1 0.706 0.071 9.960 0.000 3.004 0.312
## Atr5_p1 1.000 4.254 0.471
## Covariances:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## i ~~
## s -26.763 28.446 -0.941 0.347 -0.643 -0.643
## Intercepts:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## .Atr1_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .Atr2_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .Atr3_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .Atr4_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## .Atr5_p1 0.000 0.000 0.000
## i 49.969 0.161 310.870 0.000 5.105 5.105
## s 3.105 0.337 9.226 0.000 0.730 0.730
## Variances:
## Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) Std.all
## .Atr1_p1 23.925 15.009 1.594 0.111 23.925 0.200
## .Atr2_p1 29.902 4.033 7.415 0.000 29.902 0.276
## .Atr3_p1 27.378 2.878 9.514 0.000 27.378 0.268
## .Atr4_p1 25.565 5.450 4.690 0.000 25.565 0.276
## .Atr5_p1 21.239 18.134 1.171 0.242 21.239 0.260
## i 95.826 15.032 6.375 0.000 1.000 1.000
## s 18.098 58.270 0.311 0.756 1.000 1.000
## R-Square:
## Estimate
## Atr1_p1 0.800
## Atr2_p1 0.724
## Atr3_p1 0.732
## Atr4_p1 0.724
## Atr5_p1 0.740
Ayla Pollmann - 2023